الرئيسية / اخبار / portal zacarias 1 litro de gasolina

portal zacarias 1 litro de gasolina

Portal Zacarias Grishma is a Brazilian YouTube channel that posts videos of strange, paranormal, and supernatural phenomena. The channel has more than 1.4 million subscribers and more than 200 million views.

The channel’s videos are often graphic and disturbing, and have been criticized by some for exploiting real-life tragedies. However, the channel is also very popular among fans of the paranormal and unexplained.

Some of the most popular videos on the channel include:

  • “Menino da piscina” (Boy in the pool) – A video of a young boy who appears to be drowning in a pool, but suddenly disappears.
    [Video image Menino da piscina Portal Zacarias Grishma] * “Menino bebendogasolina” (Boy drinking gasoline) – A video clip of a young boy who appears to be drinking gasoline from a can, but suddenly stops and walks away.
    [Photo Menino bebendogasolina Portal Zacarias Grishma video] * “Mulher de vermelho” (Woman in Red) – Video of a woman in a red dress who appears to be walking through a burning building, but then suddenly disappears.
    [Video image Mulher de vermelho Portal Zacarias Grishma]

These videos have been viewed millions of times and have sparked much controversy and debate. Some viewers believe the videos are real, while others think they are a hoax.

Whether the videos are real or not, they have certainly captured the imagination of many people. Portal Zacarias Grishma is a popular channel that continues to produce new and shocking content.

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